Acupuncture uses the insertion of fine needles into the body to restore the flow of energy and blood to the underlying tissues. It is painless and usually quite relaxing. It can be used to treat a myriad of conditions and commonly treated issues include: pain and tension issues, women’s health and fertility, digestive disturbances, respiratory and sinus issues, mood disorders, sleep disorders, and low energy and fatigue.
Herbal Medicine
Chinese herbal medicine excels at supporting the treatment of internal medical concerns. It works well with women’s health issues, digestive health disturbances, and respiratory and sinus issues, among other things.
It may be taken in several forms including herbal pills, dissolved powders, or teas that are prepared at home depending on the patients needs.
Herbal prescriptions may be added to support any acupuncture treatment and the additional cost of the herbal medicine will be applied at the time of the treatment, ranging from $20-$30 on average.
Book a regular acupuncture treatment and we will discuss how herbal therapy could help you at the time of the treatment.
Facial Acupuncture
Facial acupuncture treatments restore the flow of blood and energy to face and neck. It revitalizes the tissues beneath the skin to provide renewed suppleness and glow, lifts and tones, relieves puffiness and swelling, and reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
The relaxing full body treatment can also be excellent for treating rosacea, chronic TMJ and jaw pain, and draining the sinuses.
The treatment begins with a consult, uses acupuncture to address concerns in the face and overall health, and ends with facial gua sha and cupping.
The best results are achieved with a series of 10-12 weekly treatments, but you may experience the benefits with one or two treatments.
90 minute facial rejuvenation session- $200
Chinese Bodywork
Chinese medicine uses other techniques besides needles called cupping, gua sha and tui na in order to get the best results possible for your condition.
Cupping uses the suction from small glass cups to break up adhesions in the muscle tissues and fascia in order restore blood flow, relieve toxicity stored in the tissues and relieve pain.
Gua sha is the use of porcelain, horn or jade tools to smooth out adhesions in the fascia, break up scar tissue, bring blood into slow healing areas of the body and pull out toxins lodged in the skin.
Both cupping and gua sha may leave temporary red to purple marks on the skin that disappear within a few days of treatment and cause no pain.
Tui na is a form of Chinese massage that works on invigorating the acupuncture channels in the body to relieve pain and move stagnation.
Some of these methods may be used during a regular acupuncture treatment. They may also stand alone in a treatment if someone is interested in experiencing the benefits of Chinese Medicine, but not interested in acupuncture, for more info on this please contact me directly.